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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Last week’s healthy challenge results

Well, I started off so strong with the first week or two of blogging, and then dropped off. Whoops! Time to get back to work! I haven’t had any specific topics come to mind in the past few days.

The last time I posted, I was mortified by the fact that I had such an unhealthy weekend, and was feeling a little, um, puffy. So last week I took counteractive measures by eating healthy every day with no desserts, lots of water, and exercise. Lo and behold, come week end I was down by about 3 pounds! It just goes to show what I would look like if I ate like that all of the time.

This week started off rough since I met two of my friends at Maxie’s Southern Comfort last night—a place I actually try and stay away from because I always overeat. And I did—again! But it was a treat and I never get to see them, so I didn’t feel that bad. Back on the bandwagon today.

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